domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

sabe , club da luta é um marco, tanto em pelicula como trilha, essa feita pelos caras que inspiraram os chemical brothers, The Dust Brothers, Enjoy e vamos dar continuidade as eletronicas de relevancia...abraços

01. Who is Tyler Durden
02. Homework
03. What is Fight Club
04. Single serving Jack
05. Corporate world
06. Psycho boy Jack
07. Hessel, Raymond K
08. Medula oblongata
09. Jack's smirking revenge
10. Stealing fat
11. Chemical burn
12. Marla
13. Commissioner castration
14. Space monkeys
15. Finding the bomb

sábado, 13 de junho de 2009

Star Treck

apenas gostei...
01. Star Trek
02. Nailin’ the Kelvin
03. Labor of Love
04. Hella Bar Talk
05. Enterprising Young Men
06. Nero Sighted
07. Nice To Meld You
08. Run and Shoot Offense
09. Does It Still McFly?
10. Nero Death Experience
11. Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns
12. Back From Black
13. That New Car Smell
14. To Boldly Go
15. End Credits